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Put Your Finances in the Hands of Experts

Just The Books is more than a Bookkeeping Service. We work tirelessly to ensure that you are financially healthy, making us true partners in your growth and success. Contact us to set up a consultation and discover what we can do for you.

Here’s how it works

Book a Call

Click the link to schedule your FREE discovery call.

Invite Us

We'll reach out to you for an invitation to your QuickBooks Online account and for any bank, credit card, PayPal, and loan statements.



Sit back and relax while we do your bookkeeping review! When we're finished, we will send over your Profit & Loss Statement, balance sheet, and other key information during our review for you to look over. If you're happy with our service, we'll send over your custom proposal and offer to show how we can work together for your business and bookkeeping. 


Just The Books specializes in QuickBooks Online services to help small businesses manage their financial records. We are here to help and have many services to fit your needs, whether you are a new business needing to set-up a QuickBooks account or an established business looking for someone to organize, clean and maintain your account. Here are a few services that we offer:

Laptop and Paperwork

QuickBooks Clean-up

Clean-up involves organizing (reviewing and correcting) existing financial records. Do you have a mess? Don’t worry we can help clean up bookkeeping errors. 


QuickBooks Catch-up

 Catch-up involves updating financial records that are behind schedule. We can catch up the bookkeeping to get you back on track.

Online banking

Monthly Reconciliation

 The process of reconciliation ensures the accuracy and validity of financial information. We can help with proper reconciliation process ensures that unauthorized changes have not occurred to transactions during processing.


About Us

After working more than 10 years with customer service and hospitality experience, I decided to set out on my own to help small business owners and solopreneurs.

I'm a husband and father of two great children, and while my previous job paid the bills nicely, they weren’t flexible enough for me to be there for my family when they needed me. I was scared to make the leap, but it was important for me to be available, especially during the pandemic.


So, with the support of my family and several clients, I made the leap and started providing bookkeeping services at affordable prices for small business owners. I have a well-proven system that several clients will attest works great for them. I also have an a la carte menu for those who may need just a few tasks completed, or something checked over. I’m here to help you expand your business without expanding your overhead.

Contact Us

Wethersfield, Ct


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